As a part of my internship at AM Copenhagen I made a visual identity and website from scratch for the relations coach, Nina Brandi. I used the initial part of the creative proces to find a visual language for Nina's values and the services she provides. I ended up using the Japanese art method, Kintsugi, as a visual element to tie everything together. Kintsugi is all about embracing how cracks and imperfections make us grow and learn as humans. The design im showcasing here was my first draft that ended up being changed a little throughout the proces. See the full design on

Words I wrote down to get a sense of direction in the initial phase of the project

Moodboard for developing the visual language

Photo and atmosphere moodboard

Color palette

Header font

Body font

Name tag without logo


Name tag with and without logo

Color and logo guide

Color and logo guide

Illustration style 

Illustration style

Illustration style

Posters for Ninas workspace

Business cards

Collage styles idea for the subsite on the website

IG-strategi and development of content-formats within the brandstory and visual identity

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